
Dmytro Konovalenko Interpol Lawyer Dmytro Konovalenko


Removing of Interpol Red Notice

Violations related to the processing of data in Interpol are called frequent reasons for which erroneous accusations of different persons occur. In order to avoid such errors, ensuring a fair solution to each case, you should enlist the qualified support of our specialists. One of the striking examples of the high-quality work of lawyers is the case of theft in “Astana LRT”.

Features of all the circumstances of the case

The case concerns the former head of Astana LRT, who was put on the international wanted list by Kazakhstan on July 30, 2019, on the basis of which a red notice was issued. But already in December of the same year, the former deputy chairman of the board of JSC National Company Kazakhstan Engineering was wanted.

Our lawyers carefully studied all the information, the documents provided on the case, finding out that a serious violation occurred, namely, they note non-compliance with Art. 12, 35 of the Interpol Regulations. Such violations concern the processing of the received information data on the case. This became the main reason for filing a request to the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF) in order to cancel the international search by Kazakhstan. In his preventive request, the lawyer pointed out all the violations of the rules, norms and standards of Interpol.

Commission Decision

During the investigation of all the facts in the case of our client, who was put on the wanted list by Kazakhstan, the Commission conducted a thorough check. We were able to confirm the fact that important Interpol rules regarding the processing of information were ignored. The decision made by the General Secretariat, which received a request from the NCB Interpol Kazakhstan to issue a red card in the name of our client, was questioned.

After completing all the checks, it was possible to reject this request from the NCB Interpol Kazakhstan. As a result, the international search by Kazakhstan was suspended due to inaccurate circumstances of the case, distortion of real facts, all participants in the alleged crime. We managed to achieve a fair decision on the case for the client, after which the red card was removed.

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