
Dmytro Konovalenko Interpol Lawyer Dmytro Konovalenko


cancellation of a red card and blocking of the search

Issuing a red notice of Interpol in the presence of racial characteristics contradicts the basic norms, standards and rules of the Charter of the international organization. Therefore, such cases require an urgent solution and the necessary legal support. Our lawyers faced exactly such issues when the trial of a case related to drug trafficking and persecution of Roma on racial grounds took place.

Peculiarities of a drug trafficking case

For a long time, the Belarusian Roma was accused of drug trafficking, which became the main reason for his long-term persecution by Belarusian law enforcement agencies. Moreover, such persecution continued even despite the fact that in 2019, our client managed to successfully obtain refugee status in Ukraine.

However, the Interpol red card caused a lot of problems. For several years, our client was unable to freely cross borders. Moreover, the legal difficulties from having a red card did not stop even after the extradition was denied by the Ukrainian side. Therefore, our team of lawyers took up the investigation of this case.

Commission Decision

Our firm’s lawyers decided to file a request with the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF) to remove all information about the client from the database, as well as to remove the Interpol red notice. As a result, the Commission decided to take temporary measures that concern blocking further search for our client until the correct decision is made on the case.

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