
Dmytro Konovalenko Interpol Lawyer Dmytro Konovalenko


Refusal of extradition to Belarus and removal of all information about the client from the Interpol database.

Political cases are a fairly common reason for international prosecution. In practice, such cases are associated with illegal, manipulative actions that require a professional approach and an urgent solution. Our team of lawyers successfully sorted out the solution of one of the high-profile cases related to the persecution of a Ukrainian deputy.

Peculiarities of political persecution

In 2021, all media (both Ukrainian and foreign) actively spread the news that one of the famous Ukrainian deputy had been detained in Moldova. The main reason was the corruption of a deputy from Ukraine. On suspicion of law enforcement agencies of Belarus, a deputy who took part in corruption schemes was detained.

While investigating the specifics of the case, our lawyers managed to find out the following: the deputy gave a bribe to Lukashenko’s assistant in order to obtain permission to freely conduct his own business in Belarus. Our lawyers were interested in such loud statements and accusations against the deputy from Ukraine on the issue of corruption.

During the proceedings on the case, we managed to find out the following important facts:

  • Belarus provided extremely vague information, devoid of necessary details and clarifications. As a result, it was difficult to understand where, when exactly and for what exactly the bribe was given.
  • The list of companies whose interests were connected with the Ukrainian deputy in matters of corruption had nothing in common – the absence of a legal, actual relationship of the deputy to these companies.
  • The initiation of a criminal case began after the applicant had taken the oath. Although all the circumstances concern a case that was relevant 2 years ago.

In addition to everything, many political elements are noted in this case, which raises additional questions.

The Commission’s Decision

Our lawyers managed to draw Interpol’s attention to all the above-mentioned nuances of the case by sending a request to the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF). As a result, we managed to achieve a fair decision on suspicion of corruption regarding the deputy from Ukraine.

Initially, extradition to Belarus was denied, and then all information about the client was deleted from the Interpol database. Our lawyers proved that issuing a red card completely violates the rules, norms and standards of Interpol, according to the current Charter of the organization. Therefore, all suspicions against the people’s deputy were automatically removed.

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